South County Computer Club's Blog

SCCC is a PC User Group in South St. Louis County. We have a newsletter, and now a Web Blog Site, and we meet at Tesson Ferry Library, 7 PM every 2nd Wednesday of the month. Come join us. Please note: the posts here are in chronological order with the newest here at the top. Scroll down to see previous posts or click on the index links.

Sunday, June 06, 2004

I don't really have to create a new post after every picture, but it gives me good practice in opening and editing things. It probably helps to know a bit about coding HTML, but you don't really have to know ANYTHING at all. The key, like most anything else, is experience that comes from practice practice practice.

Now, let's see if I can create a link for you to click on to take you somewhere else on the internet. If you click HERE you go to the website to sign up for a free Blog, or to login to ones you've created if you're already signed up.

I've also activated the "comments" feature here. The pictures, comments, and links are all new features since I started this particular Blog. Before, you could do it, but you had to know how to code HTML to do it.

I think we can have a group or team post capability on here as well. To do this, all you need to do is have everyone who desires to be a member register with Blogspot. It also means you could create your own blog or blogs.


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