Here I am again...
I do notice the order of the posts put newest posts at the top. That's a bit annoying, I guess, 'cause a reader would have to scroll all the way down to the bottom to start at the first post. I also found out that I can post email links here, and I can edit an existing post.
Alas, I found that if you want images, you either have to put your blog on your own server, or upgrade to the 'Plus' feature, or get another Host that provides image linking. I might be able to do that with the SBC account.
Oh well, new stuff to learn all the time.
South County Computer Club's Blog
SCCC is a PC User Group in South St. Louis County. We have a newsletter, and now a Web Blog Site, and we meet at Tesson Ferry Library, 7 PM every 2nd Wednesday of the month. Come join us. Please note: the posts here are in chronological order with the newest here at the top. Scroll down to see previous posts or click on the index links.
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