South County Computer Club's Blog

SCCC is a PC User Group in South St. Louis County. We have a newsletter, and now a Web Blog Site, and we meet at Tesson Ferry Library, 7 PM every 2nd Wednesday of the month. Come join us. Please note: the posts here are in chronological order with the newest here at the top. Scroll down to see previous posts or click on the index links.

Sunday, June 06, 2004

I've decided to make this month's meeting about Blogs and Blogging. Just to show you what you can do with these things. We'll go over the details of creating your own blog at the meeting. Actually, this thing might be ideal if you're traveling on vacation and wanted to show the folks back home all your boring pictures. If I've read the instructions right, they would even be able to comment on the posts you make, sort of like a "board" conversation. The only thing you're going to need to do this is access to a computer while you're on vacation... a laptop, an internet cafe, public computers such as our County Library system has, even an internet capable cell phone or PDA... you can "post" to your Blog via email if you wish (although I'm not quite sure how you might post pictures).

You see here another "screen shot". To do pictures like this, you simply sign up for a "chat" service called "Hello" and the pictures go to Blogspot through it.


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