I'm a little disappointed in the blog tool, 'cause I'm suppose to be able to right click on a web page I've viewing and quote directly from it to this blog. That means I could show you the the techbargains web site [www.techbargains.com] has a listing for May 30 showing a special sale at Compusa for the following (I did a cut and paste here)
Compusa 160GB 7200RPM 8MB HD $99.99AR (300018)
I was hoping it'd put clickable links and all the text I highlighted.
Would make it very easy for me to show you what I'm looking at without having to open the blogger page and edit stuff, cut and paste, and then post... that's what I've done here. ;-(
South County Computer Club's Blog
SCCC is a PC User Group in South St. Louis County. We have a newsletter, and now a Web Blog Site, and we meet at Tesson Ferry Library, 7 PM every 2nd Wednesday of the month. Come join us. Please note: the posts here are in chronological order with the newest here at the top. Scroll down to see previous posts or click on the index links.
Saturday, May 31, 2003
Friday, May 30, 2003
Here I am again...
I do notice the order of the posts put newest posts at the top. That's a bit annoying, I guess, 'cause a reader would have to scroll all the way down to the bottom to start at the first post. I also found out that I can post email links here, and I can edit an existing post.
Alas, I found that if you want images, you either have to put your blog on your own server, or upgrade to the 'Plus' feature, or get another Host that provides image linking. I might be able to do that with the SBC account.
Oh well, new stuff to learn all the time.
I'm B A C K...
I found out we can have several people post here, like a discussion group. I'll go ahead and set that up, and of course I'll consult with you if you want to post here. You'll need to let me know what Screen Name you want (I just use David, it's easier). I still haven't found out how to do pictures. We'll work on it.
Well, I don't know how this is going to work out.
The club has tried these online website creators before will not much sucess. I guess I've got a little server space up on the SBC provided server, but I don't know how to post there easily, and I thought that since most of what we do at SCCC is have Dave ramble about things in a CHRONOLOGICAL fashion (both in the newsletter and at meetings), a BLOG or Web Log might be just the thing for this group.
I've seen Blogs with pictures and such... but haven't seen how to do that here... YET. I'm sure it's going to be possible. You can certainly put web links up here, and that's all we really need.
The way I envision we'll use this thing is to have you just get on here, look at what I've done, and bookmark the site for future use. This way, I don't have to send out a mass email when I've got something on my mind or find something to share with the group. Additionally, if YOU have something to share, just post an email to me and I'll get that put out here (can you say 'cut and paste'?)
Well, this is the end of my first post. It's not much, but I wanted to see what this looks like and find ways to make it better.